Lapse of nine months since the first generation was launched Galaxy Tab, Samsung today introduced a new member of the Galaxy Tab. Not only one, South Korean vendors are directly present the Galaxy series Tab once, namely Samsung and Samsung Galaxy Galaxy Tab 8.9 Tab 10.1.
If you're considering buying a tablet Samsung, it's worth a peek are two advantages of this new product. What distinguishes one generation to another generation is the size of the screen.
If Samsung Galaxy Tab first generation emerged with 7-inch screen, the second generation and third respectively with 8.9-inch screen and 10.1 inches. Another advantage, the two new series uses a special tablet operating system Android, Android 3.0 (Honeycomb), and 4.0 TouchWiz user interface.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 8.9-inch screen has WXGA resolution. He Dimension 23 x 15.7 x 0.8 cm with a weight of 470 grams. Fairly large capacity battery, 6000 mAh. Other features approximately the same as "brother" magnitude.
Samsung had 10.1 Galaxy past the stage of the revision of the product comes with dimensions of 25.6 x 17.2 x 0.8 cm. Before the revision, its thickness is 1 cm. Now, both the Galaxy and Galaxy Tab 8.9 Tab 10.1 both are much thinner than the iPad 2.